Kula Offers a Diversified Portfolio To Its Investors

Investors will receive a return on their investment, either as traditional investors expecting financial returns or as impact investors seeking to steward financial resources in an efficient and innovative way. RegionalDAO executive and management teams will receive liquidity to develop projects and benefit from the financial return of their project development. Furthermore, RegionalDAOs will receive support in a number of administrative functions as the governing KulaDAO provides tools for effective digital management as well as collective bargaining support at the macro level in negotiating exit positions on asset evolution.
KulaDAO will work to correcting the misalignment of interests to create shared value by ensuring all stakeholders benefit from their engagement with the management and development of their particular asset.

Kula will not replace existing global markets but provide an alternative possibility using blockchain technology to equitably rebalance capital flows. Kula, and all who invest in or utilise the eco-system will benefit from this process.

Community stakeholders will be given the opportunity to realise the potential value of their KulaDAO tokens and the capacity to shape the decisions that impact their livelihoods and communities. A further tax within the tokenomics of KulaDAO on buy/sell trades provides onward liquidity to community funds for future generations.


WEB 2.5